Friday, July 26, 2013

How to See More Colors than Most People!

Want to really SEE what I’m talking about?

Grab a pencil and paper. Now go find a rose - a real one (you don't have to pick it). An artificial flower won't work - honest.

Choose a colorful blossom that is pink or peach or variegated, to make it easier this first time (dark reds or whites are more difficult).

Spend 10 minutes studying the color of this rose. Write down every color you see.
After about 5 seconds you'll have listed the basic colors and feel like you are done.

Keep looking!

You'll begin to see subtle color differences. Make up names for them. You might see: soft peach, rosy peach, orangey peach, golden peach, pinkish peach, pale pinkish peach, pale pinkish-yellowish peach, greenish peach (yup, I said greenish peach).... you get the idea.
Aim for a listing of 100 different colors.

The point isn't to uniquely "name" each color. The point is to "SEE" the differences in the colors. Make note of all those subtle, subtle changes.
When you can see it, you can paint it. When you can paint it, your paintings will glow.

Now obviously, these images that I have on my blog can't possibly show you the amazing variations of color. You can look at photos and images on the web - but you still won't see all the colors until you sit down with the actual object (rose, tree trunk, lemon, whatever....) and STUDY it with the eyes of an Artist.

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