Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Easy Way to Draw Hair

Drawing Hair
is Easier than You Think
Drawing hair can be confusing because we believe that we have to draw each individual hair. At least, that is the way the analytical mind thinks.
Instead, if we use the Creative part of our mind, and look for patterns and
shapes, then drawing
simple, easy and fun.

Simplify what you see by looking
for segments
and drawing those
segments as shapes.

Look for highlights and draw the shape of the highlights.

Squint your eyes to see the shadows shapes and then draw them.

Taming Curly Hair
Simplify curly hair by combining several shadow shapes into one segment, several curls into one larger curl shape and of course, several highlight segments, into one larger highlight shape.

By the way..... This same technique applies when painting hair. In the beginning, simplify and paint just shapes. Only at the end of your painting or drawing should you add the detail of a few individual hairs. The viewer's mind will delight in filling in the details.

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