Saturday, May 18, 2013

9 Ways to Improve Your Art Without LIfting a Finger

"Beach Path" ©Froshay
Practice Seeing
As you go about your day, practice seeing.

You practice seeing when you draw and paint anyway, now do it all the time and with purpose. 
  1. Observe the movement of nature, of people and animals.
  2. Study how the changing light affects and defines the objects around you.
  3. Trace the outline shapes of different types of trees with your eyes.
  4. Squint to simplify shapes and to limit the values that you see.
  5. Notice the many subtle differences of color within just one leaf, a worn shoe, a shadow or that 'white' cloud overhead.
  6. Let your eyes follow the contours of a pile of fabric, the face of a child or the car stopped in front of you at the light.
  7. Close your eyes and become aware of the fragrances, aromas and scents around you. Describe them in your mind using only color and shape.
  8. Listen. To wind chimes, a cat's purr, the breeze rustling through leaves and ask yourself, "How would I create that sound into a work of art?"
  9. Touch textures and really FEEL them. Notice the difference between the bark of a tree and the soft fur of the cat. How can you recreate that feeling?
The more that you do this, the better your art skills will become, honest ... and all without lifting a finger - okay well, maybe you'll have to pet the cat!

Side Effects include a calming feeling, a closeness to nature and often, a gentle successful euphoria!

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